My cheap and non-toxic alternative to shampoo
Without the chemicals from commercial shampoos, my hair doesn’t get dirty as quickly as it used to. It looks and feels much better.
Without the chemicals from commercial shampoos, my hair doesn’t get dirty as quickly as it used to. It looks and feels much better.
On clothes and fabric, lipstick stains can be hard to remove. But WD-40 makes it easier.
You can lighten your hair color naturally with fresh lemon juice and some heat. Dab fresh lemon on hair locks and add heat by sitting under the sun or using a hairdryer, and watch your hair color lighten. Repeated applications will also continue to make your hair lighter.
Some active ingredients in skin products require that it be kept cool. If you don’t have access to a fridge (e.g. if you’re travelling), a thermos or vacuum flask can do the job.
Some hair tangles are so bad that the only solution is to cut it out. Reduce the amount you need to cut by snipping through the clump vertically. After a few snips, comb through the tangle. You may find that you won’t need to cut any further.
When make-up sponges and brushes are clean, make-up will not only look better and be easier to apply, but you’ll also get fewer breakouts since bacteria won’t fester in them.