These days, castor oil, like many of mother nature’s gifts, are at best dismissed as an ‘alternative’ therapy. However, castor oil has been used and recommended for its powerful medicinal and curative effects for centuries by physicians.
But as science and cynicism have replaced the desire to heal sickness with the modern-day desire to protect drug & pharmaceutical profits, much of this valuable information has been forgotten.
What is Castor Oil?
Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor oil plant (ricinus communis). The seeds produce 1/4 of their weight in oil. The extracted oil is pale yellow and transparent. It has little taste or smell, and causes a slight burning in the throat when swallowed on its own.
When handling castor oil, be sure to protect your clothing or bedding from drips as castor oil can stain fabric irreversibly (although Arm & Hammer washing soda may help remove castor oil stains).
In Spanish, castor oil is called Aceite de Ricino or Aceite de Castor. In India, where the plant is native, it is called Erand Oil (Velakennai in Tamil). It is known as Kharwa in Arabic. In China, it is known as Ma Hong Liang. It is known as Minyak Jarak in Indonesia.
Castor Oil use through the ages
There is evidence that it was cultivated in England as early as 1562 but castor oil use goes back even further. In ancient Rome, the castor oil plant was also called the Palma Christi, or the hand of Christ. 4,000 year-old castor bean seeds have been discovered in Egyptian tombs. Historical documents reveal that castor oil was used medicinally in Egypt, India, and China as well as Persia, Africa, Greece and Rome.
The Healing Properties of Castor Oil
While the castor bean contains toxins that makes it poisonous, the expressed oil only has trace amounts of those toxins. So when castor oil is taken internally or ingested, it causes purgative (laxative) effects instead of poisoning the body.
When used externally (rubbed into the skin), castor oil is able to penetrate deeper than any other essential plant oil. Rubbing castor oil on the skin can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, detoxify the body and boost lymphatic circulation.
Castor oil also contains ricinoleic acid, a very unusual fatty acid that can be found only in castor beans and ergot (a fungus). Ricinoleic acid inhibits the growth of many bacteria, viruses, molds and yeasts. This is why castor oil has been known to work well on acne as well as other skin conditions like ringworm, keratoses, scars, and fungal infections. (Read more about castor oil’s uses for beautiful, healthy skin and hair.)
Many ailments can be cured with Castor Oil – but skepticism abounds
Castor Oil has many medicinal uses, including constipation (when taken internally), relief from pain, inflammation and stomach problems. It also has cosmetic uses and has been said to restore a youthful glow, and maintain smooth and supple skin.
Unfortunately, castor oil’s humble nature and its long list of medicinal uses generally cause people to view it with skepticism. It is also virtually unknown within the medical community or dismissed as a poison, which is unfortunate because so many take their cue from those folks in white coats. I personally think it is far too long that we have equated skepticism and cynicism with intelligence. There is much more to healing than what science can adequately explain.
1. Castor Oil is a mild and effective laxative
A half ounce of castor oil taken internally will have a quick and mild laxative effect, giving relief for constipation. To improve the taste, take the oil by floating in a glass of warm milk or mixing it with a fresh egg yolk.
2. Castor Oil expels tape worms and other intestinal worms
Castor oil taken internally has been documented to discharge tape worms successfully. Take a tablespoon of castor oil in a glass of warm milk in the morning and at night. The worms will be passed out of your system.
3. Castor Oil relieves arthritis, back pain and muscle aches
Castor oil applied topically can give immense relief from arthritis, back pain and general muscle aches and soreness.
You can improve its effectiveness by applying a cloth soaked in castor oil over the painful joint and covering it with plastic (such as cling film). Place a hot water bottle over this (this method is also known as a ‘castor oil pack’). The heat will help the castor oil to penetrate your inflamed tissues and joints.
Even without external heat, a castor oil pack will still work wonders. Just leave it on for longer. You can do this easily by putting the castor oil pack on before going to bed, leaving it to work overnight.
4. Castor oil cures sleeplessness and insomnia
If you suffer from insomnia, rub a little castor oil over your eyelids before going to bed. Castor oil applied this way will bring about a feeling of deep relaxation for a peaceful slumber without the use of drugs.
5. Castor Oil treats skin infections
To treat small skin infections, apply a few drops of castor oil onto a plaster or bandaid and apply it over the area you wish to treat each day. For a larger skin infection, use a piece of clean cloth soaked in castor oil instead.
6. Castor Oil relieves stomachaches and colic in babies
To relieve stomachaches, warm some castor oil by rubbing it between your palms and massage this gently over the abdomen and the bellybutton area (the navel). This relieves stomach pain and helps to expel trapped gas. Castor oil used this way also helps relieve colic in newborns and helps them sleep.
7. Castor Oil alleviates period pain and menstrual cramps
You can similarly massage some hand-warmed castor oil over the lower abdomen to relieve period pain and menstrual cramping. Using the castor oil pack method over the lower abdomen can also help reduce menstrual irregularities and uterine and ovarian cysts. It’s not unusual to feel some ‘fluttering’ over the ovaries (either side or both) when a castor oil pack is applied.
8. Castor Oil shrinks swollen lymph nodes
Rub castor oil over the swollen lymph nodes each day and it will gradually shrink in size. Castor oil works by speeding up the circulation of the lymphatic system.
9. Castor Oil cures vaginal infections and urinary tract infections
Apply castor oil directly to the skin, and cover with a warm washcloth or hot water bottle for half an hour to an hour.
10. Castor Oil shrinks hemorrhoids
Soak a cotton ball with castor oil and apply it to the hemorrhoid. Lie down to do this. However, if the cotton ball stays in place, you can also walk around with a towel wrapped around your waist.
11. Castor Oil relieves gallbladder pain
Pain from gallstones can be relieved by using hot castor oil packs. Place a castor oil pack over the area to relieve pain from gallbladder attacks.
12. Castor Oil relieves aching feet
If you have the type of job where you’re standing on your feet the whole day, you can use castor oil to soothe your tired and aching feet. At the end of the day, simply massage some hand-warmed castor oil over your feet. You should feel immediate relief.
For greater comfort during the day, rub a generous amount of castor oil over your feet and put on cotton socks before leaving the house. You will experience greater comfort while standing on your feet or walking all day.
For severe foot pain, apply a generous amount of castor oil over your feet’s problem areas, wrap it up in some plastic (such as cling film) and finish this off by putting on socks before going to bed. Your foot pain should lessen by morning. Repeated application of this for a few weeks will eventually resolve most foot pain completely.
I was able to heal my very painful heel spurs (calcium deposits) using castor oil, so this is something I can attest to personally. 🙂 (p.s: using castor oil like this will also get rid of corns and soften thick calluses.)
13. Castor Oil boosts the immune system, increases lymphocytes
Castor oil has the remarkable ability to increase our body’s lymphocytes. Lymphocytes, or white blood cells, regulate wound healing. Studies have shown that T lymphocytes may play an important role in healing.
A 1999 paper ‘(Immunomodulation Through Castor Oil Packs’ by Harvey Grady, Journal of Naturopathic Medicine) showed that a 2-hour topical application of castor oil (castor oil packs) produced a significant increase in the number of T-11 cells.
Amazingly, the number of T-11 cell lymphocytes continued to increase for 7 hours after the treatment.
This boost in the body’s lymphocytes could also be why castor oil applications appear to be helpful for anyone with a weakened immune system.
- Those dealing with viral infections, such as shingles. (Denise talked about how castor oil seem to be the only thing helping soothe the pain from her shingles: “I have been applying castor oil on my shingles. So far it has soothed them and softened the whole horrible thing. I am going to keep using it as Ive tried everything and its the only thing that seems to be working better than all. What do you feel about shingles and castor oil. I feel its my only hope as I know in the past its relieves pain and redness.”)
- Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
- People who have AIDS/HIV, lupus or other autoimmune diseases.
14. Castor Oil drains and heals pilonidal cysts with little or no scarring
This one came straight from a lovely lady called Esther who wrote in about her recurring pilonidal cysts that were drained within a week of using castor oil packs daily. I’ve pasted extracts of her comments below, but you can click on the links to read them in full.
On 4 September 2011, Esther wrote:
Greetings!! I have to say that I am in absolute awe on all the benefits of castor oil. I would truly like to thank the person who put this article together b/c it has given me so many useful info that I can use and share with others!! In the last week, I have had a recurrence of pilonidal cysts for which I did surgery less than a year ago. Having this cysts was the worst pain I have ever had in my life and I am only in my early 30s!! Needless to say, when I had the cysts come back recently I was not willing to do surgery b/c I knew it could not possibly be the cure if my cysts had came back. In the past few days I have done my own research about pilonidal cysts and natural rememdies. The info available on the internet is truly amazing!! I found a great article for anyone suffering from any kind of cysts to other serious illnesses to please take a look at this article b/c it might help you with your issue. The address for the article is too long so the best way to find it is by the title: Natural Remedies For Pilonidal Cysts My Strange Mind. Don’t worry it gives insight into all kinds of ailments!
So, in only 3 days since the time of reading the article mentioned above, I started using a castor oil soaked in gauze placed on my cysts and a heating pad for an hour. Literally, by the next morning my cysts had gone down in size and the pain started decreasing. It’s my 3rd day using this regimen and one cysts has gone down and the other is forming an opening to start draining!! This is all GREAT NEWS! When a cysts is drained that is a good sign b/c all the infection will come out allowing it to heal. Hence, the castor oil is a great testament of my healing!! I could not have been more relieved b/c I have read stories on sites where people have had 3 or more surgeries for their cysts only to have it return. So for all of you reading this, please don’t be so quick to chose surgery has an option, look at natural remedies first. Believe me, the pain and uncertainties of surgeries isn’t worth it. I am glad I did not have a 2nd surgery b/c the benefits of a natural rememdy is much greater!!
I want to encourage all of you reading this: to become your best health advocate. Don’t depend on any doctor to be your sole educator, do your own research for your health conditions, regardless of how great or small. There are wonderful doctors who really care about their patients’ health and there are many who care more about the money they will make from seeing you in the operation room or their office. So, realize that the internet is a great resource to finding natural cures for everything that has been used for centuries! Take care and be well.
On 14 September 2011, Esther kindly provided a detailed update:”I would like to give an update about my condition. I hope it will be beneficial to someone who is struggling with painful cysts the way that I was…
I learned that certain foods can trigger cysts to grow in the body. Things such as shellfish and sushi should be limited because it has iodine which increases cysts in the body. Also, cutting back on dairy, processed food, sugars, and the like because those things create unhealthy bacteria in the body which cysts thrive on.
I used a castor oil pack with a heating pad for about an hour each night. By the 5th day my cyst (which was big and very painful when I move) started draining. Be Prepared: when your cyst drains it will be a messy sight because it is pus filled with bacteria and white blood cells, thus it will be a lot of liquid (at least mine was). Hence, it is important to shower right away and cover the cysts with a gauze. I continued putting the castor oil on my cysts every night and covered the area with a gauze (I did not use the heat but it is okay to do so) and within a couple days of it draining it began getting smaller and healing!! Literally, I instantly felt no pain after the cyst had drained so relief will come once that bacteria is out of the body! Post-draining: I put Neosporin on the cysts to help heal it along with the castor oil. It is now, a week after it has drained, thus, this combination works well b/c my cyst is almost not noticeable and the way it is healing is so much better than when I had surgery! My surgery left noticeable scars and now, my cysts are healing with little to no scars!
I have also continued with natural remedies for my body because I want to make sure that I don’t have this problem again. Thus, I started taking Turmeric pills which is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic which will kill unhealthy bacteria in the body, boost your immune system and so on…
For the person who is suffering from painful cysts, I truly hope that you will find a natural approach that will help you to heal from the inside-out!! Nature is truly God’s gift to us and there are so many advantages to looking into natural alternatives. I am soooooo happy that I listened to my intuition and did not do a 2nd surgery or 3rd because I know now that surgery was just a band-aid, it was not getting to the source of my cysts. Hence, it is so essential that you and I listen to our bodies and our intuition! I wish you all good health and happiness!”
hi, castor oil also helps in easing the child birth, taking a cup of castor oil in warm milk a day before your due date will help reduce the duration of labour and easy childbirth.
i m applying castor on my hair, eyebrows n eyelashes and on dark cirles…
will let u knw result after a month.
hi rizwana
I wan’t to know how you apply costro oil to your hair, wet or dry?
And did you have any other problems like hair loss ?
Did you leave it in your hair over night?
dear neha, it will help for streangth the hair.keep it wet. thanks ,pls reply with ur mail -id
So, did it work on the dark circles and such?
Hi nena, aamir and mark,
You are right that by applying castor oil on the scalp would promote or stimulate hair growth. However, it has to be applied on the dry hair for better results, because wetness or moistness resists castor oil, as the oil is insoluble in water. the motive to use the castor oil to get it into your skin to repair your hair follicles, for this it needs to be applied on dry hair. I think this would answer the queries each one of you had. Please, do reply your result and you can ask your doubts.
Can castoil used for weight loss and aid libido
Hi Motive, yes ingesting castor oil (ie doing the ‘castor oil cleanse’) can lead to some weight loss. Applying castor oil externally (castor oil pack) on the belly/lower abdomen can also reduce it in some cases, although I don’t know how it works.
I am not sure about its effect on the libido, though.
Castor oil is really a magical oil..for severe skin dryness it the best solution..
I got a good result with in one week of appllying this ..
I would strongly recommended castor oil for skin dryness realted problems..never ever run behind for chemical lotions
where can i find castor oil?
You can get Castor Oil at Walmart on the bottom shelf where the stomach pills are it’s unscented & less than $3.00. I use it for dry feet, saturate a cotton ball rub all over your foot put on socks (leave cotton ball in sock) wake up with super soft feet!!!
Where can I buy an emply bottle like the one shown at the beginning of your article that shows the castor oil in?
A quick google search shows something similar in a ‘John Lewis Recycled Glass Oil Bottle with Spout’. Hope that helps.
Samantha, can a drop of Castor oil safely be dropped into the eyes? I have a Pterygium (growth on the white of one eye) & I need it to be gone. It is red & raised & is moving over onto the iris.
After reading the above, I will begin tonight by rubbing castor oil on my eyelids every night & maybe that will help, while I wait for your reply.
Hi Hazell, yes castor oil is generally safe to be dropped into the eyes. Some people do this to get rid of cataracts. Make sure you have cold-pressed hexane-free castor oil, though. And of course, use your own good judgement — if castor oil use in your eyes lead to irritation (unlikely, but nevertheless it pays to be cautious), rinse it out immediately. From my own experience, there is no irritation when castor oil inadvertently gets in my eyes at night (I apply a thick layer around my eyes before going to bed), but everyone is different.
Good luck and I hope this helps you!
Hi I am in 7th month of pregnancy.I have severe stomach pains during night.Will applying castor oil before sleeping all over the stomach reduce the pain??
Hi swetha, pls see a doctor if you haven’t already.
I want to know if hercules castor oil also reduces sports
Does cold-pressed hexane-free castor oil go rancid? I have a bottle that’s been in my frig, that has no pull-date, but I wrote on it when I got it–7/09. Use or discard? I would hate to throw it out unnecessarily, but don’t want to use it if it’s no longer beneficial.
Thanks! Laurie
Hi Laurie, yes castor oil can go rancid when introduced to air and water. Since yours was in the fridge, it should be alright. Castor oil has a pretty long shelf life. To know for certain, give yours a whiff. If it smells alright, chances are it’s still fine.
I’ve heard a few women say that rubbing castor oil on your stomach while your pregnant can prevent stretch marks. Is this true? and Is it safe?
yes, my mom did it in the 70’s and swears by it! she has no stretch marks!
Do you have any info of castor oil being effective in treating toe nail infections? I was told no topical can fully heal toe nail infections, since it can’t penetrate under the nail. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi DeAnna, castor oil packs have been proven to boost the level of T-lymphocytes, so there’s a chance it could help nail infections. If the infection is on a fingernail, you can keep a castor oil pack in place overnight using a cut-off finger of an old, close-fitting glove (or buy a painting glove for this purpose, they’re pretty cheap — usually a dollar or two). For toenail infections, you could wear a sock to keep the pack in place.
If you try it, let me know how it works out for you.
Thanks, Samantha!
Appreciate your response 🙂
It is actually a toe nail, but I assume a similar treatment could work. Will certainly give it a try!
Since it is a fungal infection would it make sense to take castor oil internally? Do you have any data in this regard, or can point me to some?
Hi DeAnna, I wouldn’t recommend taking castor oil internally in your case, not unless you intend to do a bowel cleanse (to support your overall health and attack the fungal infection in that sense?). A “castor oil cleanse” can purge the bowels quite explosively, so some mental preparation would be needed. The last time I did one, I made sure to stay home all day so I can be close to the bathroom. It’s effective and really cleans me out, but can be quite wearing on the body because there’ll be multiple purgings.
I found an account of a lady curing her baby’s toenail fungus using castor oil and vinegar applied externally, so it might help you a bit.
You can use grapefruit seed extract for toenail fungus. I used it after wearing fake toenails for too long. It turned black. After using the GSE, they are back to normal. Hope that helps.
Do you dilute the grapefruit seed extract or use as is on the nail? If diluted, what ratio did you use?
I cured my toe nail infestion by:
First have the toe/s cut back at least half way by a foot dr.
Then take the med he/she prescribes 1 x week only.
Now you soak your feet in warm water and listerine mouthwash or any brand of mouthwash as long as antiseptic, I use a cheap brand and it worked. The antiseptic has enzyembe that kills the fungus…timefrane it takes is about 2-4 months.
Also… I mix some vinegar in the water also.
can you please explain the castor oil pack a little better? what is a plactic(cling film9 what is that? and how to put a bottle over that, and then sleep with it? sorry, Im not english native speaker so maybe thats why I dont understand..
Hi Stella
I’m not sure how to explain more clearly than what’s already in the article. So maybe this will help you a bit:
Cling film
Hot water bottle
Thank you very much! I have been recently reunited with castor oil for hair care and was interested in using it for menstrual use. I am amazed at how many uses this relatively inespensive oil has!
I am trying it for Chloasma (pregnancy mask). It’s a great natural alternative, I will let you know if it works.
i have been dealing with the skin above my upper lip becoming dark…so it looks like a moustache without the hair.
i have tried many lightening creams , but none have worked. I have heard that castor oil could possibly help.
may i get your thoughts on this. do you believe castor oil will help to diminish the dark area?
thank you
Hi kingston, this older comment might interest you. The commenter reported some success with castor oil in breaking up a dark patch.
wow am really amazed with this wonderful educative article thanks a lot samantha ur really a good friend
can castor oil help with retinal cysts. Is it safe to put it around the eyes and on the eyelids?
I don’t know if castor oil will be useful for retinal cysts, but it’s safe to put around the eyes. If you get hexane-free castor oil, it is also safe if it enters the eye. Some people have used it this way to cure cataracts.
Greetings!! I have to say that I am in absolute awe on all the benefits of castor oil. I would truly like to thank the person who put this article together b/c it has given me so many useful info that I can use and share with others!! In the last week, I have had a recurrence of pilonidal cysts for which I did surgery less than a year ago. Having this cysts was the worst pain I have ever had in my life and I am only in my early 30s!! Needless to say, when I had the cysts come back recently I was not willing to do surgery b/c I knew it could not possibly be the cure if my cysts had came back. In the past few days I have done my own research about pilonidal cysts and natural rememdies. The info available on the internet is truly amazing!! I found a great article for anyone suffering from any kind of cysts to other serious illnesses to please take a look at this article b/c it might help you with your issue. The address for the article is too long so the best way to find it is by the title: Natural Remedies For Pilonidal Cysts My Strange Mind. Don’t worry it gives insight into all kinds of ailments!
So, in only 3 dys since the time of reading the article mentioned above, I started using a castor oil soaked in gauze placed on my cysts and a heating pad for an hour. Literally, by the next morning my cysts had gone down in size and the pain started decreasing. It’s my 3rd day using this regimen and one cysts has gone down and the other is forming an opening to start draining!! This is all GREAT NEWS! When a cysts is drained that is a good sign b/c all the infection will come out allowing it to heal. Hence, the castor oil is a great testament of my healing!! I could not have been more relieved b/c I have read stories on sites where people have had 3 or more surgeries for their cysts only to have it return. So for all of you reading this, please don’t be so quick to chose surgery has an option, look at natural remedies first. Believe me, the pain and uncertainties of surgeries isn’t worth it. I am glad I did not have a 2nd surgery b/c the benefits of a natural rememdy is much greater!!
I want to encourage all of you reading this: to become your best health advocate. Don’t depend on any doctor to be your sole educator, do your own research for your health conditions, regardless of how great or small. There are wonderful doctors who really care about their patients’ health and there are many who care more about the money they will make from seeing you in the operation room or their office. So, realize that the internet is a great resource to finding natural cures for everything that has been used for centuries! Take care and be well.
Oh that’s wonderful – thanks so much for sharing, Esther. And words of wisdom indeed… I love natural cures. They’ve not only worked better for me than modern medical treatments (actually healed me instead of merely taking care of the symptoms!), but they make me feel empowered and “stronger” for some reason (whereas pills always make me feel a bit helpless and weak). Over time, this has made a big difference in me. I trust myself more, I trust my body more, and I believe in my own body’s healing power even more. Love it!
I’ll update the article soon to include pilonidal cysts – I’m sure your experience will help many others. Thanks again! 🙂
Thanks alot for this article and for everyone shared their experience. Personally I use it to heal my skin allergic reaction that was burning and itchy. Many doctor medications wasn’t helping and I was hopeless till I used Castor oil. Wish you all the best.
Thanx dear 4 giving such a beautiful idea about castor oil.
After my marriage i am hair fall problem as well as suffering from dandruff.should i heat castor oil before applying.
It’s not necessary to heat it first, but you can if it feels comfortable. Also if you wrap your hair up in a towel or cover it with a shower cap – the heat from your head will also do the job nicely.
Dear Samantha, I want to thank you so much for putting a website like this on the internet where people like me can gain more insights about the benefits of castor oil!! It is truly a gift that you have given to people with this information. I would like to give an update about my condition which I used castor oil for. I hope it will be beneficial to someone who is struggling with painful cysts the way that I was. I recently wrote a post about my experience with pilonidal cysts. Instead of opting for a 2nd surgery that my surgeon recommended in less than a year (which was very traumatizing for me b/c anesthesia did nothing. I felt every jabs and cutting), I decided to look into natural alternatives. Thank goodness, I did because I am feeling much better that any surgery would have made me feel! I want to encourage every person looking for an answer about any kind of cysts or other conditions to consider speaking with a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist. The insights you will gain from people who understand the relationship that natural things can heal and the cause for your condition are so worth knowing!
After doing my natural research on the internet: I learned that certain foods can trigger cysts to grow in the body. Things such as shellfish and sushi should be limited b/c it has iodine which increases cysts in the body. Also, cutting back on dairy, processed food, sugars, and the like b/c those things create unhealthy bacteria in the body which cysts thrive on. For clearing up my cysts: I used a castor oil pack with a heating pad for about an hour each night. By the 5th day my cyst (which was big and very painful when I move) started draining. Be Prepared: when your cyst drains it will be a messy sight b/c it is puss filled with bacteria and white blood cells, thus it will be a lot of liquid (at least mine was). Hence, it is important to shower right away and cover the cysts with a gauze. I continued putting the castor oil on my cysts every night and covered the area with a gauze (I did not use the heat but it is okay to do so) and within a couple days of it draining it began getting smaller and healing!! Literally, I instantly felt no pain after the cyst had drained so relief will come once that bacteria is out of the body! Post-draining: I put Neosporin on the cysts to help heal it along with the castor oil. It is now, a week after it has drained, thus, this combination works well b/c my cyst is almost not noticeable and the way it is healing is so much better than when I had surgery! My surgery left noticeable scars and now, my cysts are healing with little to no scars!
I have also continued with natural remedies for my body b/c I want to make sure that I don’t have this problem again. Thus, I started taking Turmeric pills which is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic which will kill unhealthy bacteria in the body, boost your immune system and so on. In addition, I take Acai Organic Berry to boost my immune system and improve cell function, and so much more. I recently started using Colloidal Silver which my nutritionist said is very good to heal a cyst b/c it kills unhealthy bacteria and so forth. I just put a few drops on t he cysts, but I don’t think this is all that necessary b/c the other things I have mentioned will do similar things for your body as well. Additional Recommendations: If you want you can look into doing a detox to cleanse your liver and intestine. I purchased a Berry Detox tea that does both. According to my nutritionist, it should be taken as 3 cups a day for a week. I haven’t started this regimen as yet but will do so soon. It improves the skin and improves a healthy body.
For the person who is suffering from painful cysts, I truly hope that you will find a natural approach that will help you to heal from the inside-out!! Nature is truly God’s gift to us and there are so many advantages to looking into natural alternatives. I am soooooo happy that I listened to my intuition and did not do a 2nd surgery or 3rd b/c I know now that surgery was just a band-aid, it was not getting to the source of my cysts. Hence, it is so essential that you and I listen to our bodies and our intuition! I wish you all good health and happiness!
Thanks very much for the detailed update, Esther. I’m so happy to hear that your cysts have healed well and without much scarring 🙂
I’ve updated the article now with your input. Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you Esther and Samantha for the article about the pilonidal cysts! I have had 2 surgeries and still has come back. I was looking online for natural remedies today and found the article that Esther mentioned in her first post and then got to reading this one. I also read that a deficiency in Potassium can cause cysts. I found that on Dr Christopher’s Herbal website. So I went to the store today and bought Bananas, Raisins, and Almonds. I ordered the Castor Oil Starter kit online and hoping to get in the mail very soon. I have been praying for healing about this and I am SO grateful to find these things. I found out that it is also called Palma Christi, which means the Palm of Christ or Hand of Christ. Thank you Jesus! 🙂
Best of luck Kristina!
So i’m actually wanting to test these out. Can I be sure that Caster oil will really work? How?
Thanx dear,1more thing i want to know from you,actually i m having a very dry skin which causes pigmentation.plz suggest me something good .
Hi Amrita, you can try any number of things to put moisture into your skin – castor oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and shea butter are just a few examples. Be consistent and patient. With time, you should see results. And go as natural as you can with whatever you choose to use — the last thing you want to do is introduce chemicals to damaged skin.
Hi, this article has info on where to get castor oil at the bottom. Also, any other kind might clog your pores. You can try refined castor oil, but my advice is to use it with caution i.e. stop using if you get any reactions.
i have got pigmentation on my both cheeks.its from the facial bleach.I burnt my cheeks now got pigmentation its very dark and my rest skin is fair.
i have done so many things,spend lot of money on laser but its still the same.Will castor oil help to fade pigmentation.
Pls reply me.
Thank you
Yes, I believe it can, but it takes many months of patient use. Castor oil completely removed the deep hyper-pigmentation I got from a serious burn on my leg after 9 months. If you ask most dermatologists, they’d say my type of deep hyperpigmentation is permanent, but it’s not true.
Read “How I healed my scar using castor oil”
I hope that gives you some encouragement!
I have used castor oil and castor oil packs for decades. One example: I used a castor oil pack on my chest once when I had the flu. I was out of bed with energy 4 hours later. No lie. I had my energy back but still had a fever, so I didn’t push it. I was amazed. I also used the castor oil pack when I had an appendicitis pain. After several uses, the pain left and never returned in the decades since. I also used it on my upper back to see what effect it would have after a day full of chainsawing trees and wood, which usually gives me all kinds of pain the next day. After about 90 minutes of the hot pack that night, I had no pain the next day. I KNOW it works because I’ve done it, and I will continue to use it.
where I can buy a castor oil? is there a fake castor? I am from Philippines.. but I dont know if this is original.. I just used it to my skin and 2 days already.. let me know if you have ideas about where I can find an original castor
Where to buy castor oil
I forgot to say thanks for sharing, Jodie. Your experience with castor oil is quite remarkable 🙂
I’ve had very painful plantar fasciitis for over two years now. Nothing seems to work. I would like to try the castor oil or castor oil pack approach. Just curious: why do so many people recommend the use of flannel? Why flannel specifically? And why plastic wrap? What actual purpose does this serve? Moreoever, when people say to “soak” the flannel, what exactly is meant by “soak”? Castor oil is viscous and goopy.
Hi michael,
Flannel is probably a throwback from many years ago when castor oil packs were starting to be used within the alternative/holistic health community. I’ve used cotton cloth and cotton gauze with the same success, so it probably doesn’t matter much.
Plastic wrap is to keep castor oil on the skin and prevent staining.
It’s easy to soak cloth with the thick oil unless the fabric is oil-resistant.
There’s no need to overthink it. I’ve found that the basic tenet is really pretty simple — keep castor oil over the areas who want to treat, and use heat if you’d like. The rest are just details.
Consistency and patience is harder and more important, IMO.
Thanks for the quick response.
You said “keep castor oil over the affected area”. That brings up another question: what is the difference between massaging the oil onto my
heel and then putting on my socks and going about my day….versus… “soaking” a piece of material (flannel or cotton or whatever) and applying it to the area in question? Presumably, the “application” of a piece of material has something to do with the castor oil needing time to seep in. However, I was wondering if you have had good results just massaging the oil into your heel each day. Its much easier and much less time consuming and certainly makes it easier to turn into a daily ritual.
In the treatment of my heel spurs, I’ve only used castor oil packs overnight so I can’t tell you if simply massaging the oil in can work just as well. Maybe you can try for yourself and find out?
To treat my heel spurs, I preferred a castor oil pack while I slept because it only took a few mins to put on. I forgoed the cotton and just put a generous amount of castor oil all over the bottom of my feet, wrapped this up in plastic, and wore socks over this to bed. When I walked around, my feet would make a “squelching” sound because of all the oil. During the day, I wouldn’t use castor oil at all. About two weeks later, my foot pain was gone and hasn’t returned since.
And to answer your question, I guess the difference is that if you just wear socks over the area, it’s likely some castor oil will end up on your socks rather than be absorbed by your feet. (As an aside, you might want to watch out for staining. Castor oil can dissolve some pigments and dyes. )
I’d suggest just doing what’s most comfortable/easiest for you though. Having a castor oil pack may be a more heavy-duty, intensive method, but that doesn’t mean castor oil massages cannot help with healing either.
Good luck!
Another success story!
I have completely healed my toe nail fungus! I’ve been wrapping my toe nightly with a dab of Grapefruit Seed Extract, topping it generously with Castor Oil, and covering it for the night.
It took some 3-4 months, but was fully worth it! My toe is pink and healthy, no remnant of any infection. Yay! Thank you so much for your inspiration!
That’s amazing, DeAnna. Thanks for sharing and I’m glad to hear your toe is in the pink of health 🙂
Thanks, Samantha!
I have another quick question about using Castor Oil on my face.
I’ve been using it at night, after applying moisturizer, since reading in your excellent article that castor oil absorbs better than any other.
I’m wondering if it is even necessary to apply moisturizer first, with castor oil over it, to help it absorb, or does castor oil by itself have enough nourishment/nutrients to be applied without any other cream?
I’ve found castor oil to be more than adequate at moisturising my skin. But if you have a favorite natural moisturiser that’s worked well for you, I don’t see why you can’t mix them. I know shea butter is excellent for dry skin.
Pls, I want to first thank you for educating us on the usefulness of castor oil in natural healing. Pls I have a younger brother that’s been suffering from acute folluculitis which has defiled all treatments for more than 10 years now both herbal and orthodox. Do you think astor oil will be helpful or even heal this, he has lost most of the hairs on his head to this. Pls what do you think?
I was just wondering if a Pilonidal Cyst surgery could cause arthritis? I had a Pilonidal Cyst last year, and had surgery to drain it. Since that surgery I’ve had lots of back pain. I’ve tried sleeping on a heating pad, that only made my back feel worse and im gonna buy a back brace tomorrow or the next day.
I have used castor oil all my life. As a first aid,
In my eye for conjunctivitis , Instant relieve.
To clean me up after childbirth
To heal necrosis[ gangrene],
Toothache, rub on the tooth.
On my toes as I am diabetic. It keeps them warm as it is a drawing oil . It helps circulation in the feet. I also rub it in between my toes to avoid fungal infection.
And nearly all the uses mentioned.
In dutch it is called wonderoil
That’s quite amazing and also somewhat heart-warming. Thanks for sharing, Laura!
Actually Samantha, I forgot to mention the most interesting of all the experiences.
After giving birth some mothers have a problem with their milk coming in. Here is what you do:
Put castor oil on you breasts and it will draw it in. Take care not to put it on the nipples as it will give your baby the runs.Drink a lot.
When you ,after time want to stop breast feeding, you must put it on your back and it will stop.
If you want to improve your circulation in a certain area, put the oil in the direction you want it to go. Not all around, one side only.
I used it for conjunctivitis in my dogs and cats also with instant results. Saved a lot of money on vet bills.
Caution: do not cover with oil close to the heart.
When taking internally you need to drink a lot, preferably water
Can I SAFELY use Castor Oil IN My eye to help blured vision from Pterygium . I also have a very Scared eye that is Blind,, Thanks Bjorn
I’d also like to know it it is safe to use organic castor oil in my eye to help with ptygerium. I’ve read briefly, an article regarding this theory, by “The Edgar Cayce HANDBOOK for HEALTH Through Drugless Therapy” online. I’m wondering if anyone else out there has used and succeeded with this method! Thanks!!
Can I use castor oil IN MY EYE
My baby is 6month plus & i stil breastfeed her, can i drink castor oil?
It’s probably best to check with a doctor.
Castor oil can also be used to bring on labor if used late in pregnancy. Be very careful ingesting castor oil while pregnant, unless you at or past your due date.
I wish you had the buttons on the bottom so I could share this via Facebook or email. Very helpful research. Thank you
Hi Nina
Thanks very much for pointing that out, I’ve added simple Facebook and Twitter buttons now. 🙂
I am going to get some and try it on my daughter….antibiotics always cause c-diff with her and the pain in her stomach and bowels leaves her writhing on the floor in pain like labor contracts….so I am going to rub it on her belly an see how it works….at this point….it can’t hurt!!! I will give feedback….thanks!
The issue with antibiotics and C-diff, the person must take Flagyl while on it. Ask your doctor
how do i buy the castor oil? at the store in the oil aisle?
See Where to buy castor oil
please can you send me more on the oil cleansing method thanks
Castor oil to induce labor has been used effectively and safely for hundreds, if not thousands of years, however, studies have shown that it slightly increases the risk of meconium staining. (baby pooping while still in womb, usually during labor)
I am pregnant and have found that rubbing castor oil on my belly and using a heat pad on low or medium actually causes contractions. (I am only seven months, so, I am not going to continue this until the baby is ready.)
My babies have all had functional lactase deficiency, which means that my milk (and cow milk) causes intense cramping and gas. Which equals pure misery for baby and mama! I have found that taking lacose intolerance pills and then feeding the baby works! More pertinently though, is that for immediate infant relief of stomach pains, gas, or constipation is rubbing castor oil on their bellies, then laying them on a heat pad. This works especially well if the heat pad is on a small pillow or rolled up recieving blanket, as to add a little pressure to their stomachs.
Your babies were not lactose intolerant but unable to digest “pasteurized” or ” “heated” milk which destroys the enzymes that are required to digest it. If you can find raw unheated milk, I can almost ensure that there will be no gas or cramping. People are not allergic or intolerant to milk they are intolerant to pasteurization.The dairy industry however has made it very difficult to get natural milk and they are more concerned about their factory farms and turning a profit.
Can castor oil be used for retinal cysts?
Yes, castor oil can be used in the eyes. Some eye drops contain castor oil as an ingredient. Just make sure it’s cold-pressed and hexane-free so it won’t have any chemical contaminants in it.
As a Late Stage Lyme Disease sufferer, would I benefit from using Castor Oil in any way?
Hi Lorah
I think castor oil packs can be very therapeutic for aching/swollen joints (if you have them). Used consistently, it should reduce inflammation and pain. You can cut up stockings or a long sock to hold the castor oil pack at your knees/elbows.
Apart from applying it externally, you can also take small doses internally. This forum post on curezone might interest you.
I really hope you’re getting medical attention, though. The late stage seems rather serious. Take care of yourself.
Just wanted to say…thank you for all of this
information. Natural remedies are the way to go.
You’re very welcome Erica J, and I agree, natural is best!
Can i use castor oil in treatment of boil?
thanks for the info! very helpful.
I just happened upon this site and so glad I did! I am suffering from thinning hair and can’t wait to try the castor oil! Also trying it on my lashes and eyebrows! I also found a site on Jamacian Black Castor Oil also. Can’t wait to try it and give you my feed-back.
Thank you so much!
You’re very welcome, and good luck Ann 🙂